Les livres de AMOO studio, architectes

Le studio AMOO est formé par les architectes Aureli Mora Sanvisens et Omar Ornaque Mor qui collaborent depuis 2011 et se sont associés en 2014. Depuis, ils ont réalisé plusieurs travaux dans le cadre de la rénovation et de la réhabilitation de bâtiments et d'espaces existants, qu'ils soient publics, de bureaux ou d'habitations. Leurs projets sont abordés sans être conditionnés par leur taille et couvrant tous les domaines de l'architecture, du design d'intérieur et du produit dans une perspective intégrative.

Site internet : amoo.cat

Instagram : @amoo.studio


/ Luz cenital, de Elías Torres Tur, éditions COA CATALUÑA

AMOO studio : Doctoral thesis by ibizan architect Elías Torres, read in 1993. The book shows a very extensive series of examples grouped by association on how light affects the interiors of buildings, without making a temporal or typological difference. A wonderful catalog that works by accumulation, observation and knowledge


/ A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, de David Foster Wallace

AMOO studio : A story for Harper's Magazine aboard a cruise around the Caribbean Sea is twisted by Foster Wallace into a sardonic essay about a grotesque and deformed consumer society. By the dialogue between the author and his omnipresent second voice through compulsive footnotes often larger that the main text, this report goes beyond the conventional ironic pop portrait, combining content and structure.


/ Verde Brillante. Sensibilitá e intelligenza del mondo vegetale, de Stefano Mancuso + Alessandro Viola, éditions Giunti

AMOO studio : A masterful vindication of the plant world by means of a large number of examples and scientific investigations that deny the pre-established ideas of immobility and insensitivity of plants. An exaltation of their qualities that go through communication, the exchange of information, the ability to sleep, memorize, take care of their offspring, have their own personality and make decisions, even to manipulate other plant species. A book with a terrible cover design but a powerful content that provokes a new way of relating to the plants that surround us.


/ Disueño. Cuando el arte y el diseño jugaron a ser lo mismo, 1977-1979, de Pepa Bueno Fidel

AMOO studio : After the 1960s in which industrial design began to develop in a Spain mired in dictatorship, the promises of democracy that would come with the Transition of 1977 brought overflowing optimism and carefreeness. In that context, in the Barcelona of that time, industrial design said goodbye to its rigid functional corset and began to try to draw on poetics and art. Normally unsuccessful designs for industrial production and commercial success, the era of the Disueño movement (Diseño + Sueño, Design + Dream) remains as an inspiring chapter for the revision of the discipline from a joyful perspective.


/ How to wrap five eggs, Traditional Japanese Packaging, de Hideyuki Oka, éditions Weatherhill

AMOO studio : The book showcases part of the collection of Tsutsumi —the Japanese art or craftmanship applied to the wrapping and packaging of gifts and groceries— that graphic designer Hideyuki Oka collected during his lifetime. Another display of the skill, simplicity and beauty of traditional Japanese culture and aesthetics that harkens back to Tanizaki's 'In Praise of Shadows' through excellent and enigmatic black and white photographs.


/ Ultraviolencia, de Miguel Noguera, éditions Blackie Books

AMOO studio : Miguel Noguera is a performative artist who bases his live shows on absurdity, humor, discomfort, double or triple readings, meta-literature, improvisation and the structure of language. While we strongly recommend attending one of his monthly performances, called 'Ultrashow', the multiple books he has published are a broad but incomplete testimony to understand the magnitude of his performances. Even so, it opens a window to the power of drawing as one of his main ways of communication.


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